Brain & Neurological

Can Nature Make Migraines Less of a Headache?
Like a jackhammer going off within the head, migraines are notorious for their repetitive, throbbing, and pulsating nature. Light sensitivity, nausea, feeling lightheaded, and visual changes are a few of... Read More
Can Nature Make Migraines Less of a Headache?
Like a jackhammer going off within the head, migraines are notorious for their repetitive, throbbing, and pulsating nature. Light sensitivity, nausea, feeling lightheaded, and visual changes are a few of the most frequent symptoms reported by those who have suffered from migraines. Many people have experienced these troublesome head pains... Read More

Avoid Feeling SAD about Seasonal Depression
Just as the coming of summer gives most people a healthy dose of good feelings and excitement for warm-weather activities, the shorter days and longer periods of darkness that accompany... Read More
Avoid Feeling SAD about Seasonal Depression
Just as the coming of summer gives most people a healthy dose of good feelings and excitement for warm-weather activities, the shorter days and longer periods of darkness that accompany winter are known to cause some mild cases of the "blues" and can cause even more serious levels of outright... Read More

Do you know the magnesium form your body needs?
You may remember from science class that magnesium is a gray mineral that is the ninth most-abundant element in the universe. It is also the fourth most-abundant mineral in the... Read More
Do you know the magnesium form your body needs?
You may remember from science class that magnesium is a gray mineral that is the ninth most-abundant element in the universe. It is also the fourth most-abundant mineral in the body, in which about 60% of it is found in bone. A lack of magnesium has little effect on our... Read More
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